What makes you not a candidate for dental implants?

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What makes you not a candidate for dental implants?

Certain health problems, such as cancer, hemophilia, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders, can disrupt a person's candidacy for dental implants because these disorders can affect their ability to heal. Some of these conditions can also cause serious infections after the procedure. Even if you've been told that you're not a candidate for a dental implant, you more than likely are, you just need to find a dental implant specialist who can meet your needs. Even if you have been told that you are not a candidate for a dental implant, there is almost certainly an implant solution for you, just contact my office to schedule an appointment and we will help you get your best smile with dental implants.

When it comes to dental implants, it is generally recommended not to use this procedure on a person whose jaw is still growing. For that reason, you want to avoid children and even teenagers. The risk is that the jaw will grow and, then, the positioning and attachment of the implants will be adversely affected by the movement. There are a few other health conditions and habits that could act as risk factors for people considering dental implant surgery.

Whether you are looking for dental implants or you are just considering getting them, there are some factors that will determine whether you are a good candidate for them. Read on to learn what these factors are and why they are important.

Gum disease

Having gum disease can cause many problems. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to gum recession and bone loss. It can also interfere with dental implant integration. Fortunately, there are ways to treat and prevent gum disease.

The best way to prevent gum disease is to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice daily and floss. Also, you should eat a healthy diet. Dairy products are good for gum health. You should also use a fluoride toothpaste. Also, avoid smoking and alcohol.

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. It occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth and gums. The bacteria in plaque convert carbohydrates into acid, which damages the surface of the teeth. Using a high-fiber diet and flossing between teeth are good ways to prevent gum disease.


Bruxism is a common problem. It is not an absolute deterrent to dental implants, but it can make you a less ideal candidate.

Bruxism can affect the lifespan of dental implants. It can also increase the risk of implant failure.

The problem of bruxism is not one that is solved by simply putting a night guard on your teeth. A dentist can determine whether or not you have bruxism during your regular dental checkup. They can also identify the signs of bruxism during dental implant evaluations.

If you are a bruxer, your dentist will need to make some recommendations to improve your dental implants' success. They may recommend facial exercises, stress management strategies, or mouthguards to help you prevent grinding.

Dental implants are designed to replicate the structure of natural tooth roots, and this is what makes them such a viable solution for missing teeth. However, they are not designed to last a lifetime. Therefore, you may need to replace your restorations at least five to ten years after treatment.


Getting dental implants is a great way to replace missing teeth. The implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and help restore dental function to the missing teeth. But there are a few risks that you should know before you get your dental implant.

Smoking is bad for your overall health and can affect your oral health. You should not smoke for at least two months after your implant surgery. You should also brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly to keep your implants clean. You should also drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.

The process of osseointegration, which is the bonding of the implant to the bone, is delayed by smoking. This delay increases your risk of peri-implantitis, an infection that spreads to the gums. This condition can weaken the bone tissue around the implant, making it harder to install the replacement tooth.


Unlike removable dentures, dental implants are surgically placed and stay in place. They are an alternative to traditional dentures that are irritating and make it hard to chew healthy foods.

Although diabetes is not a disqualification for getting dental implants, uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of infection after surgery and the risk of implant failure. It also slows the healing process. This delay in healing can prevent implant to bone osseointegration. It increases the risk of peri-implantitis, which is an inflammation of the peri-implant. In some cases, the peri-implantitis may lead to the loosening and loss of the implant.

Patients with diabetes require special pre- and post-operative care. They may need to take special medicine courses or follow a special diet.

Having uncontrolled diabetes increases the risk of infection, slows the healing process, and causes bone augmentation problems. It also makes osseointegration more difficult.


Having osteoporosis can cause your bones to become porous, causing them to be more prone to fractures. This condition can affect the bones in your jaw, femur, and other parts of your body. It is common in men and women of all ages, but it is especially prevalent in postmenopausal women.

If you have osteoporosis, you should be aware that it does not mean you are not a good candidate for dental implants. In fact, the condition can actually improve your oral health.

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically placed in the jawbone. This allows them to look and function like real teeth. The success of dental implants depends on the condition of your jawbone. If your bone is too weak, then dental implants may not be a good option.

Tobacco and alcohol use can inhibit healing of gums and bone tissue, and tobacco smoke promotes dry mouth and increases the risk of infection. Abstaining from these and other recreational drugs will reduce the chance of implant rejection. People who take certain medications, such as steroids or drugs that suppress the immune system, may not be suitable candidates either. And people with certain habits, such as people who grind or clench their teeth severely, can put too much pressure on implants and cause long-term damage.

The process of receiving dental implants involves several procedures over a months-long process, including relatively invasive surgery in which gum incisions will be made, material will be removed from the jaw, implants will be placed in the jaw, and sutures will be placed. It's wise to understand the risks and potential side effects of all medications you're taking before considering any surgical procedure, and dental implant surgery is no exception. Nowadays, most people turn to dental implants instead of using something like veneers and bridges, but there are some groups of people who just aren't good candidates. If you are considering dental implants as a replacement for your natural teeth, get evaluated by Charm Dental Spring to determine your eligibility for this treatment.

Many adults will be happy to know that there is no upper limit on the age of eligibility for dental implants. I have successfully placed hundreds of dental implants for patients, including those who had previously been told they were not candidates. Any dental surgery can be a physically stressful procedure under some type of anesthesia and a full recovery before the process can continue. Whether any of these factors apply to you and affect your candidacy to receive dental implants is something that a dentist close to you will determine after taking a careful medical history of you and after reviewing the health of your remaining gums and natural teeth, and after carefully examining dental images.

If you've been told you're not a candidate for dental implants, you shouldn't let that stop you from finding a solution to broken or missing teeth and achieving the smile of your dreams. When considering dental implants as tooth replacement solutions, people should understand the limitations that dental implants impose on them before qualifying for them. As a general rule, type 1 diabetes is more difficult to control and therefore creates a slightly higher risk of complications related to dental implants than type 2 diabetes. The fact is that many patients are told that they are not good candidates for dental implants, and they truly believe that they cannot have dental implants and that couldn't be further from the reality.

The success of a dental implant depends largely on the fusion process, but it also depends on your mouth and oral care. As the dental implant heals, the jaw will fuse with the implant and ultimately make it part of the jaw and mouth as a permanent attachment. . .

Garry Knoth
Garry Knoth

Freelance travel advocate. Infuriatingly humble food specialist. Proud beer ninja. Hipster-friendly twitter expert. Certified bacon nerd. Lifelong twitter expert.

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