Which dental implants?

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Which dental implants?

Dental implants are medical devices that are surgically implanted in the jaw to restore the ability to chew or its appearance. Provides support for artificial (false) teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. A dental implant is a small titanium post (screw) that is surgically placed inside the jaw below the gum line. This post will fuse with the jaw, creating a stable base for the restoration of your teeth.

Dental implants are artificial dental roots that are used to support the restoration of a missing tooth or teeth, helping to stop or prevent jaw bone loss. The implantation procedure is classified as a form of prosthetic dentistry (artificial replacement), but it is also considered a form of cosmetic dentistry. The biggest advantage of choosing dental implants is that they help prevent bone loss. When teeth are lost, roots are no longer present to stimulate bone.

Choosing the right type of dental implant can be an important decision, as they can provide support for a variety of dental prostheses. They can also be used to anchor orthodontic appliances.

Titanium vs zirconia

Choosing between titanium and zirconia for dental implants is a personal decision. Both materials have a number of pros and cons. Your dental implant dentist can advise you on which material is best for you.

Titanium is considered to be the most durable material for dental implants. It is durable, lightweight, and has good corrosion resistance. However, titanium implants are known to have a metallic taste. They may also have a gray metal line when you smile.

Zirconia is considered to be a good alternative to titanium. It is also biocompatible, hypoallergenic, and inert. This means that zirconia will not seep into your bloodstream.

Zirconia also has a low affinity for bacterial plaque, which helps with cleaning. Zirconia teeth are also considered to be hypoallergenic and less prone to gum recession.

Long-term success rate

Several large-scale studies have been published indicating long-term survival rates of dental implants ranging from 93.3 to 98%. However, these results are limited in terms of demonstrating how they apply to modern clinical practice. The study reported in the present study aimed to highlight factors that could contribute to the success of dental implants in private practice.

The occlusion of the jaw is critical to the success of dental implants. Implants require healthy bone to be successfully integrated into the bone. A variety of factors can affect the health of the jawbone, including bone problems and periodontal disease.

Implants can also fail due to the lack of blood flow at the site of the implant. Using surgical guides allows greater precision in implant positioning. Implants are also more susceptible to fracture from trauma.

Recovery process

Getting a dental implant is a significant undertaking, and one that requires a lot of recovery time. It can take two weeks to a month to heal completely. It's important to take care of the implant during recovery to reduce your risk of infection and implant failure.

During recovery, you'll have to take steps to reduce swelling and pain. Using ice packs and a saltwater rinse can help. It's important to stay warm and rest your head up when possible. You can also try elevating your head when you're asleep.

The recovery process for dental implants is different for everyone. Some people will experience a minimal amount of pain and swelling. Others will experience additional pain and discomfort.

The recovery process for dental implants is actually quite similar to that of a traditional root canal, with the exception of the fact that you don't need to wait for the root canal to complete. You'll also be able to resume your regular diet after seven to ten days.


Surgical treatment can be used to remove the infected peri-implant tissue. In addition, local disinfection and bone grafting are possible.

Treatment options are usually tailored to the severity of the infection and morphology of the implant. Treatment can range from sub-mucosal debridement to mechanical removal.

Peri-implantitis is caused by bacterial plaque that forms at the base of the implant. This plaque is made up of food particles, bacteria and other harmful pathogens. It can cause inflammation, pain and infection, which leads to deterioration of the tissue and bone supporting the implant.

Peri-implantitis can occur shortly after the implant is placed. It may also develop years after. Although it can be treated, it can lead to the loss of the implant. Peri-implantitis has a high chance of spreading to the surrounding teeth and jawbone. Patients with systemic disease, such as diabetes or osteoporosis, are at greater risk.


Getting dental implants is a great way to boost your smile and improve your oral health. A dental implant is a screw that goes into your jawbone. Once it heals, your teeth will look and feel like your natural teeth.

The cost of dental implants can vary significantly depending on your location, dentist, and type of procedure. It may also be a good idea to check with your insurance provider. Depending on your insurance policy, your dental implant may be covered in part or in full.

The cost of dental implants varies from patient to patient, but the average cost can range from $1,500 to $5,800. The exact cost will depend on the type of implant, the number of teeth to be replaced, the location of the procedure, and the experience of the dentist.


When implants are surgically placed in the jaw bone, they effectively replace the roots of the teeth and stimulate the bone, thus preventing loss. Dental implants anchor in the jaw bone just like natural teeth. Over time, they will help preserve jaw bone and significantly reduce bone resorption. Replacing missing teeth with implants allows you to chew your food better and speak more clearly.

There are three common types of dental implants that you can choose between endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic. Dental implants preserve natural dental tissue by avoiding the need to cut adjacent teeth for conventional bridges. Dental implantation, which is performed to replace missing teeth, can be performed anytime after adolescence or when bone growth is complete. Biocompatibility testing, to show that bodily contact with the device does not cause complications such as irritation or allergic reaction, is part of the evaluation that helps ensure that the materials of the dental implant system are safe and do not cause adverse effects when implanted in people.

Depending on your situation, your dentist will advise you how long the entire treatment process will take, how many appointments will be needed, and what you can expect after each procedure. To learn more about the benefits of multiple dental implants and the options available to you, contact Charlotte Center for Complete Dentistry in Charlotte, NC today for a consultation. Replacing a missing tooth with a dental implant can significantly improve the patient's quality of life and health. Another important benefit of choosing dental implants is that the remaining teeth are not damaged at all in the process.

Before choosing dental implants, talk to your dental provider about the potential benefits and risks, and if you are a candidate for the procedure. In general terms, the number of missing teeth and where they are located along the arch will dictate the number of implants needed to maintain a dental restoration. Well-planned and cared for dental implants generally offer comparable or better “survival rates” than other tooth replacement options. Replacing missing teeth with assured restoration with multiple dental implants is the next best solution after natural teeth.

Because periodontists have received three years of specialized training beyond dental school to make them experts in soft and hard tissue, they have the ideal combination of experience and knowledge to ensure you get a dental implant solution that looks and feels like your own teeth. Whether teeth are lost due to an accident, illness, or have been absent since birth, dental implants may be the best alternative to natural teeth. .

Garry Knoth
Garry Knoth

Freelance travel advocate. Infuriatingly humble food specialist. Proud beer ninja. Hipster-friendly twitter expert. Certified bacon nerd. Lifelong twitter expert.

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